ICT & Provision of information

Conference physical Internet

From July 6-8, the second International Physical Internet Conference was held in Paris, France, hosted by Mines ParisTech. Key stakeholders of the supply chain (manufacturers, retailers, logistics service providers and academics) from all over the world shared their views and stimulated discussions on new business models, enabling technologies and demonstrators towards interconnected logistics.

Liesbeth Staps of Dinalog contributed with a panel presentation on the soft factors for successful implementation of cross chain collaboration. Furthermore, Henk Zijm, chair of the program committee of TKI Dinalog and professor of Production and Supply Chain Management of the University of Twente, closed the conference with a key note on the learnings and perspective on the Physical Internet in the future.

In parallel, the plenary meeting of ALICE, the European Technology Platform on logistics and supply chain management, took place. Amongst other prof. Henk Zijm was confirmed as vice-chair for another year, and prof. ”¯Albert Veenstra, director of TKI Dinalog, was appointed interim chair of workgroup 1 on sustainable, safe and secure supply chains.

> More information about the 2nd International Physical Internet Conference

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