Dutch Alumni; ambassadors for Logistics Netherlands
Logistics frontrunner the Netherlands offers a high level of higher education in logistics and supply chain management. Eight public Research Universities offer education in logistics and supply chain management related Master degrees. Ten Universities of Applied Sciences offer Bachelor degree education in Logistics Engineering and Logistics and Economics.
In general, in the academic year 2015-16, a total number of 74.894 internationally mobile students enrolled in an accredited degree programme in public Higher Education in the Netherlands. In relative terms, 10.7% of all tertiary level students in the Netherlands now are international students. This share is much higher in general for the Research Universities (16.2%) and master programmes (20.6%) than for the Universities of Applied Science (7.4%) and bachelor programmes (8.8%).
Endorsing the attractiveness and level of logistics knowledge and education, international students enroll Dutch logistics educational programmes. The percentage of international students in these programs are 19.9% and 12.5%; higher than average. Research by EP Nuffic for TKI Dinalog resulted in a dashboard mapping the Dutch and international students in logistics higher education programmes 2009-2015*.
These students enrich the logistics education with their background, views and networks. And after graduating? With an average stay rate of international students in the Netherlands of 38%, they contribute to the Dutch economy. They bring a world of experience and international networks combined with the Dutch knowledge in logistics taken in during their education. Herewith, they contribute to the Dutch logistics labour market.
And if they do not stay after finishing their studies? Upon their return they implement the Dutch Way in Logistics and offer a great ambassador network for Dutch logistics knowledge and knowhow abroad. The growing Dutch alumni network offers opportunities for Dutch logistics businesses; in building trade relations of Dutch companies and their business partners as well as economic diplomacy. EP Nuffic develops a Logistics Chapter of the Holland Alumni network for the Dutch logistics sector. With fond memories of their student days in the Netherlands, understanding of the Dutch Way of Logistics, these logistics alumni can introduce you in their home countries for market development; true ambassadors for the Holland Logistics Network.
* In view of privacy regulation, this exlcudes programmes or coutnries of origin with five or less international students.
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