Interdisciplinary Conference on production, Logistics an Traffic
The Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (ICPLT) addresses the interfaces between these three disciplines. This 2nd ICPLT deals with economic, ecological and societal issues around transport as the essential link for production, logistics and society. Today, transport and mobility is affected by manifold trends including new production technologies (like 3D printing or automation), urbanization and e-commerce. They all change the demand for commercial transport especially in agglomerations.
Conflicting goals of different interest groups fuel the discussion about commercial transport. On the one hand, commercial transport ensures adequate supply and distribution. Therefore, it is a fundamental prerequisite for economic actors to operate their business as well as for customers to receive goods and services. On the other hand, commercial transport has negative effects on environment and society, since it endangers the quality of life by external effects, e.g. air quality, noise and traffic safety.
The 1st ICPLT was initiated by the project Dynamo PLV at TU Darmstadt. The 2nd ICPLT will be a joint effort of TU Darmstadt and TU Dortmund and will be hosted by the Institute of Transport Logistics (ITL) at Dortmund. The 2nd ICPLT is also intended to be the successor to the biannual German conference Fachtagung Wirtschaftsverkehr, which was hosted by ITL.
The 2nd ICPLT aims to identify trends and challenges for commercial transport as the essential link for production, logistics and society. Therefore, innovative technologies and strategies should be presented and discussed to better understand the interdependencies and conflicts of interest between the areas of production, logistics and traffic.
For this reason, the conference focuses on the following core topics:
– (Mega)trends in production, logistics and traffic and their effects
– Intermodal commercial transport and logistics hubs
– Balancing and improving the environmental impacts (like noise, air pollution and greenhouse gases) in the overall value chain
– Transport policy and city logistics instruments, measures and strategies
– Governance principles in production, logistics and policy
– Impacts of traffic control measures for heavy vehicles on logistics, retailing and production
– Data and IT system integration in production, logistics and traffic
– Modelling of freight transport considering logistics and production
Who should attend?
The conference addresses all representatives of the disciplines production, logistics as well as spatial and transport planning, who are interested in discussing scientific and practice-oriented approaches. Practitioners, politicians, public authorities and researchers from production, logistics and transport are invited to use the conference as a platform for knowledge-exchange and transfer. Within the two days conference, distinguished key note speakers will address the interdisciplinary questions above. Selected innovative research and practice approaches will be presented in the focus sessions.
> For more information, download the program and registration form
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