Service Logistics

New Call for proposals on sustainable logistics

The World bank aims to fund studies that deliver practical solutions, methodologies and innovative ideas that benefit low income and middle income countries. The Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Sustainable Logistics (MDTF-SL) focuses on three strategic themes in sustainable logistics:

1. Agro-logistics: increase the efficiency of supply chains to reduce food losses and improve the traceability and profitability of agricultural products.
2. Green logistics: “green” supply chains, develop transport corridors and improve logistics services to minimize the carbon footprint and greenhouse gases associated with the delivery of goods.
3. Urban logistics and port-city development: improve retail distribution of good within cities to diminish urban congestion, and analyze the port-city interface to improve the sustainable design and operation of port–cities in LICs and MICs.

Eligibility, evaluation and scoring

The proposals must clearly address at least one challenge associated with one or more of the three strategic themes described above: Food losses (agro-logistics); carbon footprint and greenhouses gases (green logistics); urban congestion and port-city sustainability (urban logistics and port-city development). No more than two projects per country will be approved; exceptional projects may receive maximum funding of up to $300K. Projects will be scored based on the following criteria:

a. Government support: Each submitted proposal must be endorsed by the government (e.g., ministries or local governments) of their respective country. The proposals must reflect a need to be addressed and the commitment of the government to support such initiative (e.g., as a strategic partner for the study or by providing an expression of interest letter).
b. Replicability: A significant share of points in the scoring schedule will be allocated to proposals actively developing methodologies and tools to be replicated in other LICs and MICs.
c. Leverage: Proposals with matching funds or additional funding will get additional points in the final score.

This call for proposals is open until Friday, April 10. More information available on the website of the World Bank, or contact Liesbeth Staps (Dinalog).

External applicants have until 8 May 2015 to submit project proposals. Eligible recipients should be research or academic institutions with demonstrated experience in the area of logistics and should have carried activities of a similar nature in the past years.

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