Knowledge Distribution Center

Looking for somewhere in your region you can turn to with your innovation or knowledge questions? Then the Knowledge Distribution Center is the place you are looking for.

A Knowledge Distribution Center is the logistics axis for knowledge or innovation matters for companies in the region. In a KDC, University Of Applied Science graduates work with all sorts of parties with regard to application, further development and distribution of knowledge. This ensures that you are brought into contact with the right party in the field of knowledge and innovation quickly and efficiently.

Six KDCs are to be established in the Netherlands to bundle their strengths with Dinalog to create a network with national coverage. There are already KDCs in Gelderland, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Zeeland/Brabant. Others are to open soon, like the KDC Limburg.

KDCs are focused on their own region. KDCs will have different expertise, networks and focus, but all with a common goal: to help you, the entrepreneur, with innovation. What do the KDCs mean exactly for you as an entrepreneur?
In the KDC, commerce, education and government involved in regional logistics work together to improve access for companies to (new) knowledge and innovation. You can approach a KDC for:

• help with questions regarding knowledge and bringing companies into contact with the right parties;
• dissemination of regional knowledge about innovation;
• stimulating better cooperation between companies and knowledge institutes;
• the central point for all regional parties, here lies a logical role for knowledge institutes;
project and business development through innovation and cooperative projects;
retaining and developing logistics talent for commerce.

If the regional KDC does not have the knowledge, the right expertise can be drawn from the national KDC network.

Facts & Figures

6 regional KDC’s
connection HBO education & companies

Startdate: 31 Dec 2010
Enddate: 30 Dec 2013
