Workshop; Practice-Based Research in Service Logistics: Success Stories on Realized Impact
Service logistics is one of the research lines within the topsector logistics in The Netherlands. Many joint research projects of the industry and research institutes have been executed. Many ideas have been explored. Some of these ideas resulted in actual implementations and large impacts in the service logistics operations at the involved companies. In this workshop, we focus on these success stories. Multiple presentations are given on the key ideas behind these innovations and the realized impact. In addition, we have poster presentations on innovative current research projects.
This workshop is mainly aimed at service logistics managers and service logistics specialists from the industry, but we also welcome other people who are interested in the practical impact of service logistics research.
12:00 Arrival and lunch
13:00 Opening, by Geert-Jan van Houtum (TU/e and SLF)
13:15 Stocking and Expediting in Two-Echelon Spare Parts Inventory Systems at the Dutch Railways, by Wouter Fleuren (Dutch Railways) and Joachim Arts (University of Luxembourg and TU/e)
14:55 A New Full Service Concept at Océ, by Mark ten Have (Océ) and Ilse Willems (Océ)
14:35 Pitches (on posters) by:
Sarah Van der Auweraer (KU Leuven), ‘On service parts logistic’
Laurens Deprez (KU Leuven) ‘Pricing of full responsibility service contracts’
Collin Drent (TU/e)
Erwin van Wingerden (TU/e), ‘double uncertainty?’
Joni Driessen (TU/e), ‘On how to choose your Line Replacement Units’
14:45 Break and poster presentations
15:20 Application of deep learning in rail maintenance. An application of Deep Learning in Rail Maintenance @ VolkerRail, by Bram Kranenburg (CQM)
15:40 An approach to two-echelon planning with emergency and lateral shipments at ASML, by Ruud van Sommeren (ASML) and Martijn van Aspert (ASML and TU/e)
16:20 The F-35 sustainment logistics approach & F-35 Demonstrator, by Jürgen Donders (Gordian Logistic Experts) and Rene de Koning (OneLogistics)
17:00 Concluding remarks, by Geert-Jan van Houtum (TU/e and SLF)
17:15-18:30 Drinks
Stocking and Expediting in Two-Echelon Spare Parts Inventory Systems at the Dutch Railways, by Wouter Fleuren (Dutch Railways) and Joachim Arts (University of Luxembourg and TU/e)
Spare parts used by the Dutch railways (NS) in the maintenance of trains must have high availabilities to meet target levels for train availability. The Dutch railways is working on tooling to achieve desired availabilities more cost efficiently. For the planning of repairable spare parts, NS has an advanced planning tool that optimizes the turn-around-stock in a two-echelon system with multiple local warehouses. This tool takes into account lead-time flexibility by means of prioritization in the repair shop.
A New Full Service Concept at Océ, by Mark ten Have (Océ) and Ilse Willems (Océ),
The introduction of a new technology for a new market required a new full service concept at Océ. This new service concept has been developed and introduced in various steps. Several TU/e students have developed the necessary building blocks for this new concept. Further elaboration and introduction of these building blocks has been done via small pilots in the field organization. During the presentation we will briefly explain the introduction concept of this new full service concept and one of the building blocks, “Condition based demand input for spare parts planning”.
An Application of Deep Learning in Rail Maintenance @ VolkerRail, by Bram Kranenburg (CQM),
‘How to detect railway track defects using deep learning?’ This question was the starting point for a project with VolkerRail to automate defect detection. By application of deep learning techniques, a time-consuming process of visual inspection of all rail images by an operator can be replaced by a five times as efficient procedure. In this procedure, the operator only has to inspect pictures that are rated as probable defects by the deep learning algorithm. This case shows the potential of deep learning to recognize complex patterns in monitoring data.
An approach to two-echelon planning with emergency and lateral shipments at ASML, by Ruud van Sommeren (ASML) and Martijn van Aspert (ASML and TU/e)
Every hour of downtime of a lithography machine of ASML means a €100.000 of loss for ASML’s customers. Therefore service level agreements (SLA’s) in terms of waiting times for spare parts are very tight. In order to meet these tight SLA’s, ASML used an advanced planning model taking into account multiple local warehouses and emergency shipment possibilities. In order to replenish these local warehouses, another planning model was used to set stock levels in the central warehouse. In this project, an approach has been developed to connect both models and meet service level agreements at even lower supply chain costs.
The F-35 sustainment logistics approach & F-35 Demonstrator, by Jürgen Donders (Gordian Logistic Experts) and Rene de Koning (OneLogistics)
In august 2017, OneLogistics was awarded with the European regional Logistics and Warehouse for the F-35. A comprehensive package and value proposition was designed and contributed strongly to awarding this business to the Netherlands. A complete value proposition was prepared including services and solutions to cover the complete F-35 sustainment supply chain. One part of the proposal is the F-35 Demonstrator. We simulated 15 F-35 supply chains and determined the impact of various European logistics actors to the metrics that have been agreed with the European Airforces that will fly the F-35. During the presentation we will provide insight on the details of both the approach to win the business as well as the F-35 Demonstrator.
• This main organizer for this workshop is Geert-Jan van Houtum (TU/e and SLF).
• This workshop is sponsored by the NWO-TOP project “Service Logistics of Advanced Capital Goods”. The partners of this project are Eindhoven University of Technology, ASML, and Dutch Railways (in particular NedTrain). Geert-Jan van Houtum is also the project leader of this project.
• This workshop is also part of the year program of the Service Logistics Forum (
Location: Conferentiecentrum Eindhoven,
Geldropseweg 168a, 5613 LN, Eindhoven
Address for navigation: Geldropseweg 170, Eindhoven
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