Innovation update Groenewout
Op 18 juni organiseerde Groenewout een ‘innovation update’ bij Dinalog van tweemaal 3 parallelsessies. Arthur Zondervan (Groenewout) presenteerde de business case van Webvan, een online Supermarkt die snel groeide maar geen gezonde financieel model had en in 2001 failliet ging. Wendel Dijker (Groenewout) ging in op de selectie en implementatie van warehouse management systems (WMS). Tot slot ging Rik Kusters in op de verschillende methodes van voorraard optimalisatie en de laatste ontwikkelingen op dit vlak.
Meer informatie over de sessies (alleen beschikbaar in het Engels):
Innovation session: Sustainable growth
Arthur Zondervan”¯explained the business case of ‘Webvan’ – an online supermarket which grew very rapidly. Unfortunately it lacked a sound financial business model and the company went bankrupt in the summer of 2001. The lessons learned from Webvan are still very relevant today: margins are small and operational efficiency is crucial. Investments in IT and mechanization must be carefully considered, and high fixed costs and rigid working methods can be fatal. Scalability and flexibility based on product and order characteristics are the key to success.”¯
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Innovation session: WMS
Wendel Dijker’s”¯presentation covered the selection and implementation of warehouse management systems (WMS). Wendel followed up the brief introduction with five very practical questions which people should ask beforehand in order to ensure that they choose the right WMS and also that its implementation runs as smoothly as possible. The checklist generated plenty of response among the audience in the form of both discussion and recognition of the situation. Furthermore, Wendel talked about the importance of involving the WMS supplier in the implementation phase,”¯and of choosing the moment carefully.”¯
Download the presentation.
Innovation session: Stock optimization
Rik Kusters”¯started by explaining the many stock optimization methodologies and tools that have been developed. He then used a business case to illustrate how a company can reduce its inventory by 50% while maintaining the same service level. This included discussion of the issue of which items should be kept in stock, in whereabouts in the supply chain. The second part of the session explored the opportunities for managing stock in a multi-echelon environment, including the presentation of new solutions in each case.”¯Download the presentation.