
Denk en praat mee over de toekomst van digitalisering – OS Meetup x Delft

TKI Dinalog is als kennisinstituut van de Topsector Logistiek zeer betrokken bij het klaarstomen van de logistieke sector voor de toekomst. Op basis van samenwerking en kennisdeling. Op het gebied van digitalisering is de toekomst nabij. Op dinsdagmiddag 28 november laten we samen met een aantal van onze partners in Nederland en Duitsland concrete initiatieven, use cases en implementatiecases zien die zich richten op collaboratieve logistiek. Denk aan de implementatie van track and trace of eCMR-oplossingen die informatie verschaffen aan meerdere partners in de supply chain.

We willen graag in kaart brengen hoe we nog verder kunnen samenwerken en willen graag van de industrie weten hoe zij hun volgende stappen in digitalisering zien.

Klik hier om je aan te melden. 

De tekst gaat verder in het Engels.

Are you open for collaborative logistics? Do you share our conviction, that new and old challenges in the logistics and supply chain management industry can just be mastered in a strong network? eCMR, EFTI, Track and Trace, customs – these are just a few examples, where it is not just efficient to develop industry-wide accepted de-facto standards but where the industry gets a voice that is heard by authorities and other nations.

So, let’s bundle forces and build European-wide coalitions to make significant progress in useful digitalisation projects. Let’s discuss about the opportunities that open source solutions offer and get some very practical insights into our Open Logistics Foundation’s work.

Ambitions of the meetup:

  • Show that Collaboration, especially cross-country, is needed and can work
  • Finding neutral partners for that with clear governance and rules.
  • What are potential fields for NL-DE collaboration (could be eCMR, but definitely also other low-hanging-fruits).
  • Discuss topics, fields of collaboration and find potential partners


28th November 2023 – 15:00h – 17:00h

15:00h – Welcome by host (Topsector/TKI Dinalog)

15:10h – Short introduction and goal of this meeting (TKI Dinalog)

15:20h – Pitch of Open Logistics Foundation (Open Logistics Foundation and Aventeon)

15:50h – Initiatives in NL (DALTI/Topsector Logistics/Ministry)

16:10h – Debate and open discussion – interactive part, where we will show different theses and include the full audience

16:50h – End of event and networking

The meeting will be held at Connekt offices – Ezelsveldlaan 59, Delft

Please register here as places are limited.

Joint initiative by Open Logistics Foundation // TKI Dinalog // Topsector Logistiek // aventeon // DALTI // Ministerie Infrastructuur en Waterstaat

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