Programma manager
Simone van der Velden (
Accelerating the Path Towards Physical Internet – SENSE will develop a roadmap and boost the transition from stage 1 (fully owned supply chains) through stage 2 (horizontal collaboration and vertical coordination) to stage 3 physical internet for most goods) by building industry-wide support towards the Physical Internet. SENSE builds on previous and ongoing research and industry efforts i.e. the Physical Internet Initiative[1] and ALICE, the European Technology Platform on Logistics[2]. ALICE was established to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovations in Europe with the mission: “to contribute to a 30% improvement of end to end logistics performance by 2030”. The Physical Internet (PI) Concept is one of the key elements identified by ALICE as the Vision to achieve its mission. ALICE counts with more than 100 members representing all kind of stakeholders engaged in the Physical Internet and therefore, will be the nucleation point of all project activities.
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