Cross Chain Collaboration Center (4C)

Isola publiceert analyse met belangrijke bevindingen synchromodaal transport

Een efficiënter gebruik van activa in het logistieke netwerk, een betere acceptatie van synchromodaliteit en een toename van marktkansen. Een greep uit de ambities van het Isola-project. Isola bekijkt synchromodaal transport vanuit het perspectief van de klanten; verladers en ontvangers van vracht. Wat zijn de voordelen voor hen? Is prijsdifferentiatie mogelijk en hoe kan de planning worden verbeterd? Bekijk hier de Isola-analyse.

Publicatie: Geïntegreerde synchromodale transport systeemanalyse

Het nieuwsbericht gaat verder in het Engels:

The Isola research has recently produced a number of interesting results. Some important findings on synchromodal transportation, include that:

  • More than 60% of shippers is interested in synchromodal transportation, if they receive benefits in terms of better service or lower price.
  • Especially shippers operating in demand-volatile markets are interested in flexible synchromodal services.
  • Investments in transportation capacity can be reduced by exploiting synchromodal transportation.
  • Uncertainty of container arrival times is a major factor in transportation costs, and can be reduced by improved information sharing.
  • The maximum number of calls in a port visit has a significant impact on barge costs, allowing for one additional call leads to an improvement of 7-15% for the barge operator.

These findings were the result of a scientific study by: Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Erasmus University, and Rotterdam School of Management, supported by their partners European Gateway Services, Port of Rotterdam, and SmartPort. The work was funded by TKI Dinalog and NWO.

Some background on the findings and how they were achieved is given in the whitepaper that you can download here. Or check the presentations from the webinar in the youtube links below. For more information, do not hesitate to contact the authors noted in the whitepaper.





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