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Cross Chain Control Collaboration (4C)
Customs and Trade Compliance
ICT & Provision of information
International collaboration
Labor market & education
Service Logistics
Space & Accessibility
Supply Chain Finance
Supply Chain Management
Urban Distribution
Warehousing & Distribution
GOMOVICI (Governance and Modeling for Integrated and Comprehensive Infrastructure Renewal)
GOMOVICI (Governance and Modeling for Integrated and Comprehensive Infrastructure Renewal)
Sustainable and digitalized ports of the future
Cyber Security in the Rotterdam Maritime Sector
TRANSENERGY (Energietransitie op de bouwplaats – de route naar een zero-emissie bouwplaats)
Modular Prefabricated Construction: a circular asset management system for closed-loop supply and logistics chains
LOKET (LOgistieke KETenregie voor binnenstedelijk bouwen)
ECOLOGIC (Emission Control and Logistics Optimization for Green Infrastructure Construction)
A paradigm shift in rail freight transport
RESULD (Responsible Supply Chains and Logistics Due Diligence) – voorheen Verantwoorde wereldwijde ketens
RESTRETCH – Reverse stress testing in supply chains
Transitioning towards resilient multimodal corridors using digital twinning
Next Gen Supply Chain Resilience: Short-Term Wins, Long-Term Gains
Logistics for Healthy Healthcare: A Modelling Perspective on Intermediate Care Solutions
Strategic Prescriptive Response for Immediate Needs Through Empowered Residents (SPRINTER)
Ontzorgen – Ontzorgen in de VVT zorg
DASLOCA – DAta-driven Service LOgistics for Contested Airspace
IDS connector store and interoperability simulator for SMEs
Circular Business Model Maturation in Logistics
CUSTOMIZE (Customer-driven prescriptive analytics for logistics planning)
Understanding and leveraging B2B behavior for improved supply chain sustainability
TaSaSi: Towards a Smart and Sustainable Infrastructure
Decentralized distribution: disrupting change in the logistics sector
CiloLab2: Het living lab voor duurzame stadslogistiek
LogiCELL (Logistics in a Circular Economy Living Lab)
LINCIT: Transitioning to a Circular Business Ecosystem
Smart (Straw)berry Chain
Samenwerkend autonoom vervoer op de bedrijventerreinen (SAVED)
Adaptive Planning with Advance Traffic Information (ADAPTATION)
Fundaments of a Construction Logistics Control Tower (CLCT) 2023
PLATO (Platforms and digital transformation in logistics)
Supply Chain Management to create tax & trade visibility (Trans-SONIC)
DynaPlex (Deep Reinforcement Learning for Data-Driven Logistics)
Ready for the next crisis
AI-BIPTO (Artificial Intelligence Boosted Integrated Production and Transport Optimization)
Evidence Based Disruption Management
De meerwaarde en impact van het gebruik van een datagedreven ‘decision support system’ voor het plannen en roosteren van zorgactiviteiten in een thuiszorg setting
TRANSFER: Een overstap van de horeca naar de logistiek op basis van relevante job skills
Kader voor verbetering van de duurzaamheid van lower-tier leveranciers
Voorraadfinanciering voor logistiek dienstverleners
Dynamisch performance-based contracting in datagedreven service logistiek: implementatie gericht op de maritieme industrie
COAST (COgnitive ASsistive Technologies in low and high-skill warehouse professions)
Yard Emissie monitoring voor Sustainability (YES)
Reinforcement LeArning Platform voor Logistieke MKBs (ReAL)
Sensor data voor duurzame logistiek
Voorspellingsmodellen en gemeenschappelijke planning in luchtvrachtlogistiek (PRACTICAL)
Implementing Stochastic Models for Intersections with Regulated Traffic
SIPCAT (Safe Interaction of pedestrians and cyclists with automated transport)
CoLoSus (Competences in Logistics and Sustainability. Individual Competences related to Sustainability, Empowerment and
CHANGE GEAR (Learning communities als innovatieversnellers in de logistiek)
Dynamic Performance-Based Contracting in Data-Driven Service Logistics: Maritime Industry-specific implementation
Buurthubs voor leefbare steden
Living Lab: Spark! (BC Living Lab)
Living Lab: SMiLES (Shared Connectivity in Mobility and Logistics Enable Sustainability)
Living Lab: SSCMH (Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Healthcare)
Living Lab: SUMMALAB
FTMAAS (Freight Traffic Management As A Service)
Pharma supply chains
Ketenanalyse food en agrisector als gevolg van corona crisis
DASCOVIMI (Disruption Analysis of the Supply Chain due to Corona Virus in the Manufacturing Industry)
DASLOGIS (Development and valorization of a dutch data space for logistics)
LLEAD (Leading Logistics in the Era of Ambiguity and Disruption)
SHAREHOUSE: a living lab for innovating warehousing, logistics education and work
Cilolab- Het living lab voor duurzame stadslogistiek
Quality Controlled Logistics in IoT-enabled Perishable Supply Chains
E-certificates in international agro and food chains: Government Digitization to Enhance Agro-food Chains (GEDAC)
Sharing Logistics in Urban Freight Environment
Revising VAT in Global E-commerce
Self Organizing Logistics in the Port (SOL Port)
Gebruik van prestatiemetingen in circulaire ketens
Power-2-Fuels Innovation outlook (P2Fuel outlook)
Trucks & Barges: a Logistics Serious Game
Lane Analysis & Route Advisor (LARA)
Future Planning Solutions: Multi-echelon inventory optimization
PIONEER (Physical Internet, an Outlook on Neighbourhood and Environment for E-commerce Retail)
IDS Service Environment (International Data Space)
Service Logistics for Offshore Energy Production (SLOEP)
Ontzorgen met slimme logistiek
Ursa Major neo Connected Truck Trials
MAritime Remote CONtrol tower for service logistics Innovation (MARCONI)
Industry 4.0 driven Supply Chain Coordination for Small- & Medium-sized Enterprises (ICCOS)
Increasing the usability, adoption & acceptance of advanced planning and scheduling systems
Improved Traceability of Parts and Products (IToPP)
Maintenance Add-on to Logistics (MATLOG)
Juiste Zorg door Juiste Logistiek
Cybersecurity in Logistics
Sensing Logistics
Cash Flow Harmonization
Self- Organising Logistics in Distribution (SOLiD)
Service Logistics for Advanced Capital Goods
Effective Use of Reefer Containers for conditioned products through the Port of Rotterdam (EURECA)
Supplier Sustainability Improvement
Autonomous Logistics Miners for Small-Medium Businesses
Pre-shipment en in-transit Supply Chain Finance
DAFOE (Data for compliance in e-commerce)
Complexity in high-tech manufacturing
Universality and resilience in logistics networks: a mean-field approach
CO2REOPT (Coordination of Core European Supply Chains using Optimization)
Improving the resilience of railway systems
Sociale innovatie voor versnelling innovatievermogen logistieke sector
TEUBooker (fase 2)
Ketendigitalisering 2.0
Samenwerking in de Logistiek (Connekt, TNO, Synple)
Trans-SONIC (Transport Self Organization through Network Integration and Collaboration) – TKI Dinalog deel
Complexity Methods for Predictive Synchromodality (Comet-PS)
Data Analytics for Trade Lane Risk Assessments and Control (DARA)
Mens en Robot in het Magazijn
DATA2MOVE (Real-Time Data for Products to Move Data-Driven Real-Time Decision Making in Supply Chains and Logistics)
ToGRIP (GRIP on freight TRIPS)
Real-time data-driven maintenance logistics
DataRel – Big Data for Resilient Logistics
Secure scalable policy-enforced distributed data processing
Digitale Onderwijsmiddelen en Kennisontsluiting for Control Towers (DOK4CT)
De logistiek dienstverlener als financieel ketenregisseur
INDEEP: Innovation Network Design Enables Excellent Ports
DAVINC3I Community
Serious logistics gaming for supply chain execution in Warehousing
Logistics & Fintech
Real Time Verkeersdata voor Goederenvervoer (ITSLOG)
Pricing of Maritime and Continental Synchromodal Services
Blockchain & Logistics innovations
Smart Data Factory Innovations
LogiCE (Community Logistiek en Circulaire Economie)
Kansen van het UCC voor de BV Nederland
Smartest Connected Cargo Airport Schiphol (SCCAS)
4C control tower toepassingen voor bouwlogistiek
Innovation for Future Skills (InFuS@ 2.0)
Pro-active service logistics for capital goods – the next steps (ProSeLoNext)
Lesbrieven Logistiek
Business case autonome binnenvaart
Expedited payment 2.0
Towards virtual ports in a Physical Internet
Innoveren doe je met het hele bedrijf
Smart Trade & Logistics; ontwikkeling en toepassing van UETP voor handel en logistiek
Slimme servicelogistiek zorgt voor minder ‘down-time’
ISOLA: Op weg naar echt Synchromodaal Transport
NWO project: Supply Chain Control and Compliance (SAtIN)
De rol van havens in het Physical Internet
Dynafloat: onderzoek naar dynamisch verkeersmanagement in de stad
Geavanceerd ‘Decision Support System’ voor retail, detail en e-tail logistiek
Rendabele logistieke businessmodellen voor Biogas
Samenwerking in de Logistiek (Connekt, TNO, Synple)
CAPitalizing on collaboration in Sustainable LOGistics in food and flower chains
Designing last-mile delivery services in online retailing
Sustainable service logistics for offshore wind farms
Sustainable Logistics in Fresh Food (SLIFF)
JUST, JUridical and context-aware Sharing of informaTion for ensuring compliance
Scalable Interoperability in Information Systems for Agile Supply Chains (SIISASC)
Enhancing resilience while maintaining Efficiency
Shared Business Intelligence Cell LMI
Slimme Datagebruik voor Logistieke Innovatie
Serious Synchromodal Gaming
Supplier Finance
Kring Logistiek en Supply Chain
Supply Chain Finance voor het MKB
Ultimate Spare Parts Planning (USP)
Levertijden harmonisatie in de fashion/lifestyle
4C in Bouwlogistiek
Cross-Chain order fulfillment
Cargo Hitching
Cargo Driven Intermodal Transportation
Expedited Payment
Design of LNG Networks
SCF 2.0
Sustainability Impact of New Technology on After sales Service supply chains (SINTAS)
Knowledge Distribution Center
Dinalog Academy – Masterclasses
Logistics without borders
LLLI- Living Lab Logistics Indonesie
World Bank Group
Logistics Accellerator
Dinalog Vouchers
Dinalog On Tour
Future Framing (Seamless Connection)
SCF Community
Logistics under construction
Bundling at source location
Care for logistics
IZI Motive
HubWays Demonstrator
Planning Services
Modal Shift in Total Logistics
Value Creation by Closing the Loop
Sense and response
Extended Single Window
Dinalog Amsterdam
Dinalog Incubator
Modal Shift in Total Logistics
Planning Services
HubWays Demonstrator
IZI Motive
Zorg voor Logistiek
Bundelen bij de Bron
Logistiek in de bouwsector
SCF Community
Future Framing (Seamless Connection)
Dinalog Adviescheque en Ontwikkelbudget
Logistics Accelerator
World Bank Group
LLLI- Living Lab Logistics Indonesie
Teach the Teacher
Dinalog Game
Dinalog Academy – Masterclasses
Kennis Distributie Centra
Ultimate Spare parts Planning (USP)
Sustainability Impact of New Technology on After sales Service supply chains (SINTAS)
SCF 2.0
Design of LNG Networks
Data en algoritmes voor geïntegreerde transportplanning en uitvoering (DAIPEX)
Expedited Payment
Dinalog Amsterdam
Cargo Driven Intermodal Transportation
Cargo Hitching
Conversion factory
Guidelines and forms
Dinalog Incubator
Conversion Factory
Sense and Response
Value Creation by closing the loop
Extended Single Window
Cross-Chain order fulfillment