Cross Chain Control Collaboration (4C)

Analysis and integration of research agenda’s of actors in regional clusters

The cluster analysis report delivered at hand is part of a project “Sustainable Organization between Clusters of Optimised Logistics @ Europe (SoCool@EU)” within the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union. The project is based on the ambition to create an open European platform for EU excellence with specific joint projects in sustainable and competitive supply chains and logistics connected with hubs and gateways. This European platform will enable research-driven regional clusters throughout Europe to collaborate and mutually learn in order to achieve more sustainable and competitive freight gateways and hubs with associated logistical services and transport operations. Five regional logistics hubs are cooperating in the project to develop their clusters and collaborate. Together, they build a leading network of logistics gateways in Europe.

o Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (DINALOG), Netherlands South West & Flanders Cluster – Belgium/Netherlands
o HouseofLogisticsandMobility(HOLM),Rhein-MainRegion-Germany
o AsociaciónLogísticaInnovadoradeAragón(ALIA),RegionofAragón-Spain o LundUniversity,ØresundRegion-Denmark/Sweden
o MersinChamberofCommerceandIndustry,MersinLogisticsCluster–Turkey

In order to achieve the project objectives, the clusters formulate a Joint Action Plan of specific joint projects and activities following a regional cluster analysis as the scope of this present report. The study at hand has analyzed the participating clusters along selected, mostly publicly available statistics performance indicators, the quality of the regional business environment, the networking and cooperation structure as well as the specific context for innovation. An online-questionnaire, open expert interviews and literature research add to the data from public statistics.

Nearly all logistics clusters in the project show an above EU-average economic performance in terms of the Gross Domestic Product, employment concentration in logistics, and wages and salaries paid in the logistics sector. The clusters show a medium to high innovation performance in terms of patenting activity and scientific publications in logistics. The five regions represent essential areas of logistics (deep-sea hubs, airports, land-hubs and short-sea hubs) and have different transport modes as the focus of their regional modal split.

The quality of the regional business environment is mainly evaluated positively. Market demand, (production) factor endowment and the regional context for firm strategy, structure and rivalry in the clusters are generally better evaluated than the regional networking and support structure provided for by public authorities.

In terms of the intensity of networking and cooperation, all clusters are more internally interconnected rather than networking or cooperating with other logistics stakeholders in Europe. The results from the analysis of the specific context for innovation show that the increase of market share and of the quality and range of products, services and processes are the most important drivers for logistics companies to innovate. The lack or uncertainties of customer demand along with the cost of innovation are the largest barriers for innovation. Suppliers, business clients, fairs and exhibitions and informal contacts are among the major sources of knowledge relevant for innovation.

All clusters have identified a variety of joint needs for action, which they will translate into specific projects and activities within the subsequent definition of a Joint Action Plan.

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